Friday, January 16, 2009

The Universe

Unknown artist (I tried)

This is the New Agey-movement's reference to "God". The "Universe is responsible for:

  • Creating abundance (aka: wealth, money and material possessions)

--See and whisper The Secret ("the secret, the secret, the seeecrrrrrretttt")

  • Helping you find your 'soul mate'.

  • Creating serendipitous happenings and coinkie-dinks that are simply UNEXPLAINABLE with human logic or science.

  • Visions, hallucinations, goose flesh, intuitive nudges, past life garbage, words like "journey" and "path" in reference to what a person chooses to DO for a living.

  • justification for everything from having affairs, ignoring responsibility and culpability in any wrong doing, and anything that might go 'wrong' in a person's life.

  • Lessons. The Universe is ALL ABOUT lessons. A common New Agey saying: "What am I supposed to be learning here?"

(Uhhh, you're supposed to be learning that when you park in a fucking red zone, you're

going to get a ticket.)

  • Justification for every action or reaction a person has.


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