Monday, November 9, 2009

The God Card

"The God Card"

This is the smug, self-righteous response given to querants who do not comply with the God Card Holder's belief system. Example:

Person #1: But I don't believe your church is true--I never received a spiritual witness!
Person #2: Then you must not hear the Holy Ghost's still, small voice because you're sinning.

Person #1: Please don't remove my fingernails! It hurts!
Person #2: I'm sorry, I can't argue with God.

Person #1: I'm dying of cancer.
Person#2: Then God must not have wanted you to get better.


Basically the God Card places all blame on God to justify human stupidity. Back to post.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Role of Women in Mormonism

Please don't patronize me.

I was active in the Mormon Church for over two decades.

Don't brain-fuck me. I know what my role was. Women know what their roles are. It is an unspoken expectation among Mormon women to sit down, shut up and color.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Balloon Fetishism


Apparently blowing up, riding and and popping balloons is what turns some people's crank.

I don't wanna even KNOW how clowns fit in.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Universe

Unknown artist (I tried)

This is the New Agey-movement's reference to "God". The "Universe is responsible for:

  • Creating abundance (aka: wealth, money and material possessions)

--See and whisper The Secret ("the secret, the secret, the seeecrrrrrretttt")

  • Helping you find your 'soul mate'.

  • Creating serendipitous happenings and coinkie-dinks that are simply UNEXPLAINABLE with human logic or science.

  • Visions, hallucinations, goose flesh, intuitive nudges, past life garbage, words like "journey" and "path" in reference to what a person chooses to DO for a living.

  • justification for everything from having affairs, ignoring responsibility and culpability in any wrong doing, and anything that might go 'wrong' in a person's life.

  • Lessons. The Universe is ALL ABOUT lessons. A common New Agey saying: "What am I supposed to be learning here?"

(Uhhh, you're supposed to be learning that when you park in a fucking red zone, you're

going to get a ticket.)

  • Justification for every action or reaction a person has.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009


"In Real Life."

I typically hate--HATE--cyber-spaced acronyms such as this.

Other ones I use and hate: LOL, LMAO, ROTF, ROTFLMAO, and the loathed "u" instead of "you", "4" instead of "for" get my drift, don't u? *

*Ugghhh shuddddder.....*

However, to illustrate my point, I used it. So sue me.
